1 vol.22, 2021 - Siberian Aerospace Journal
Выпуск журнала: Siberian Aerospace Journal 2021 год №1 vol.22
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IDS: 148321783 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148321783
Содержание выпуска 1 vol.22, 2021 Siberian Aerospace Journal
Informatics, computer technology and management
Burenin A. A., Senashov S. I., Savostyanova I. L.
Torsion of prismatic orthotropic elastoplastic rods
Denisov M. A., Sopov E. A.
Constraint handling genetic algorithm for feature engineering in solving classification problems
Kartsan I. N., Efremova S. V.
Multiversion model of software control systems for space vehicles with range of decision-making
Chubar A. V., Ustimenko V. V., Mikhaylenko L. A., Myznikova V. A., Matskevich Y. A.
Simulation of solar panel orientation system based on fuzzy logic in SimInTech visual simulation environment
Shipulin P. M., Lebedev R. V., Sosnovskiy M. S.
Application of Zernike moments based digital watermarks for photo document electronic archive management
Shurinova D. A., Kovalenko А. N., Myrygin A. V., Suvorov A. G.
Mobile device to collect heat and power parameters of the refrigerator
Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Baklanov A. V.
The possibility of using methane-hydrogen fuel in converted gas turbine engines for power plants
Belonovskaya I. D., Kolga V. V., Yarkov I. S., Yarkova E. A.
Parametric analysis of the anisogrid body of the spacecraft for cleaning the orbit of space debris
Belyaev A. S., Filipas A. A., Tsavnin A. V., Tyryshkin A. V.
Methodology for calculating the de-weighting system of large-sized transformable elements of space vehicles for ground tests
Belyakov V. A., Vasilevsky D. O., Ermashkevich A. A., Kolomentsev A. I., Farizanov I. R.
Development of the concept of a reusable liquid rocket engine with three-component fuel
Ermoshkin Yu. M., Kochev Yu. V., Nikihelov A. V., Pervukhin A. V., Simanov R. S.
Experimental investigations of a plasma thrusters and its power processing units performances like an electric load of a spacecraft’s power condition system
Makarov S. N., Verhoglyad A. G., Stupak M. F., Ovchinnikov D. A., Oberemok J. A.
Mathematical model of the mirror system of the Millimetron observatory and a description of the method of pre-measurement of the telescope within this model
Pokhabov Yu. P., Shendalev D. O., Kolobov A. Y., Nagovitsyn V. N., Ivanov E. A.
To the question of establishing safety coefficient and assurance coefficient at a given probability of non-destruction of load-bearing structures
Technological processes and material science
Aplesnin S. S., Zelenov F. V., Mashkov P. P.
Effect of electron-phonon interaction on transport properties in TmxMn1-xS
Mikheev A. E., Girn A. V., Yakubovich I. O., Rudenko M. S.
Spraying plasmatron coatings with powder supply to plasma flow
Feyzer K. A., Krakhalev M. N., Shabanov V. F., Zyryanov V. Ya.
Electrooptical response of the films of polymer dispersed nematic with conical boundary conditions
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