The role and significance of business strategy in creating business incubators

Автор: Zoran Bukvić

Журнал: International Journal of Management Trends: Key Concepts and Research @journal-ijmt

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.2, 2023 года.

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The sector of small and medium-sized enterprises represents the most vital and economically efficient part of the economy and plays an increasingly important role in the implementation of structural reforms, especially in the function of creating new jobs and stimulating the growth of the overall economy. In recent decades, business incubators have been established as new models for developing small and medium-sized enterprises in developed countries, including ours. This paper aims to indicate the role and importance of business strategy in the creation of business incubators.

Strategic management, business strategy, business incubators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203994   |   DOI: 10.58898/ijmt.v2i2.40-57

Список литературы The role and significance of business strategy in creating business incubators

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