The role of globalization and angloification of world culture on the appearance of borrowings of the English language in the speech of modern youth

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This article is devoted to the issue of the influence of globalization and the ever-growing influence of the English language on the speech of young people and the appearance of Anglicisms in their language. In our turbulent age, the flow of new ideas, things, information, technologies require a clear and capacious name for objects and phenomena, makes us use already existing foreign names in the language, and not expect the creation of original words. The scientific, technical, military, financial, banking, sports and even cultural vocabulary around the world is striving for internationalization. The craving for scientific progress, for civilization is reflected in the language. Discussing the current situation, many philologists and linguists note that the intensity of borrowing foreign vocabulary has reached enormous proportions. Of particular concern is the fact that borrowed words from English slang and their derivatives are increasingly common in everyday speech of young people. It is easier for young people to express their thoughts and feelings through the means of a foreign language. People around you do not always understand what teenagers or students are talking about. They speak a different language of their generation. This article was written as a part of a scientific project which is financed by Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


Globalization, borrowings, anglicisms, slang, jargon, speech, cultural linguistics, culture and language

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IDR: 170189245   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2021-9-1-104-108

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