The scale invariant vacuum paradigm: main results plus the current BBNS progress

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We summarize the main results within the Scale Invariant Vacuum (SIV) paradigm as related to the Weyl Integrable Geometry (WIG) as an extension to the standard Einstein General Relativity (EGR). After a short sketch of the mathematical framework, the main results until 2023 [1] are highlighted in relation to: the inflation within the SIV [2], the growth of the density fluctuations [3], the application of the SIV to scale-invariant dynamics of galaxies, MOND, dark matter, and the dwarf spheroidals [4], and the most recent results on the BBNS light-elements’ abundances within the SIV [5].

Theory, dark matter and energy, inflation, bbns, formation, rotation

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IDR: 142240761   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2023.3-4.314-326

Список литературы The scale invariant vacuum paradigm: main results plus the current BBNS progress

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