The study of the engine-flywheel housing made by additive technology

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The first commercial equipment for additive technology production with 3D-printing was made more than 30 years ago. In the mid 90-ies 3D-printing was used mainly in research activities. The wide spread of digital technology in the field of design, modeling, calculations and machining stimulated a rapid development of additive technology. To evaluate the application of the parts printed on a 3D-printer, there was conducted a research of the design of the reaction wheels engines. On the basis of the pre-designed 3D-model there were made two housings of powder materials - alloys АК9Ч and AlSi10Mg were constructed. The analysis of the stability of the geometry of the engine housings to thermal effects, susceptibility to mechanical loads in the model layout of the engine-flywheel was conducted. Outgassing in vacuum was defined and the microstructure of additively manufactured materials was researched. Test results proved the possibility of application of the additively manufactured housing made of selected alloys with sufficient mechanical strength in the composition of the engine-flywheel. There is obviously a need to continue the studies on the properties of materials used in additive technologies in order to compile a list of materials with their properties and application characteristics in the design of the engine- flywheel.


Additive technology, post processing, detail, engine-flywheel, mechanical load, outgassing

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IDR: 148177778

Список литературы The study of the engine-flywheel housing made by additive technology

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