The subversion of linear time in 'Sons and lovers'' by D.H. Lawrence

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The essay is devoted to the issues of art time in one of the most known novels of D.H. Lawrence. The issues of time were central for the modernist writers since they showed the prevalence of an individual's experience of life over the life itself; they were preoccupied with proper depicting of a person's inner living through external circumstances, especially when a young hero enters the world, perceives it and experiences heavy growth costs as it happens with the main character of 'Sons and Lovers'. The novel under analysis is constructed on the basis of several genetic plot patterns: socio-panoramic, biographical and autobiographical and psycho-analytical, and each of them influences the time-structure of the novel. The essay shows how a complex temporal structure - a unity of family, biographical, personal time and socio-historical time, epic time, transpersonal, eternal time - works in the novel and determines its general artistic peculiarities. The author argues that D.H. Lawrence, for the purpose of giving the fullest, by his account, picture of the main character's internal conversion of the events of his growing up, unites traditional (realistic) and experimental (modernist) temporal paradigms, having kept general linear forward time-movement, retards, or/and hastens the flux of narrated time.


English literature, d.h. lawrence, modernism, realism, art time, novel, bildungsroman, character

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IDR: 14729375

Список литературы The subversion of linear time in 'Sons and lovers'' by D.H. Lawrence

  • Брежнева Е.В. «Время внешнее» и «время внутреннее» в поэтике романов Вирджинии Вулф//Вестник Пермского университета. Российская и зарубежная филология. 2011. № 4. С.225-231
  • Михальская Н.П. Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс: радуга чувств и правда повседневности//Дудова Л.В., Михальская Н.П., Трыков В.П. Модернизм в зарубежной литературе. М.: Флинта-Наука, 1998. С. 73-97
  • Ушакова О.М. Модернизм: о границах понятия//Вестник Пермского университета. Российская и зарубежная филология. 2010. № 6 (12). С.109-114
  • Вулф В. Заметки о Д.Г.Лоуренсе//Вулф В. Избранное/пер. с англ. М.: Худож. лит., 1989. С.541-543
  • Bakhtin M.M. Bildungsroman and Its Significance in the History of Realism//Bakhtin M.M. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays/transl. by Vern W. McGee; ed. by Caryl Emerson and Michael Jolquist. Austen: University of Texas Press, 1986. P. 10-59
  • Bell M. D.H.Lawrence and the Meaning of Modernism//Rerhinking Modernism/ed. by Marianne Thormalen. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Mac-millan, 2003. P. 132-148
  • Black M. 'Sons and Lovers'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 124 p
  • D.H.Lawrence: 'Sons and Lovers'. Text, Background and Criticism/ed. by Julian Moynahan. Harmondsworth and New York: Penguin, 1977. 147 p
  • D.H.Lawrence's 'Sons and Lovers': A Casebook/ed. by John Worthen and Andrew Harrison. Oxford; New Jersey: Oxford University Press, 2005. 318 p
  • Finney B. D.H.Lawrence. 'Sons and Lovers': Penguin Critical Studies. London: Penguin, 1990.121 p
  • Forster E.M. Aspects of the Novel// (дата обращения: 27.04.2015)
  • Harvey Geoffrey. 'Sons and Lovers': The Critics Debate Series. London: Macmillan, 1987. 83 p
  • Lawrence D.H. Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D. H. Lawrence. London: Heineman, 1936. 567 p
  • Lawrence D.H. Sons and Lovers. London: Penguin, 1981. 511 p
  • Modernism, 1890-1930/ed. by Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976. 684 p
  • Murfin Ross C. 'Sons and Lovers': A Novel of Division and Desire. Twayne Publishers, 1987. 147 p
  • Roberts W., Poplawski P. A Bibliography of D. H. Lawrence. 3-ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 800 p
  • Shelley Berc. D.H.Lawrence's 'Sons and Lovers: Baron's Educational Series. New York: Noodbury, 1985. 122 p
  • Twentieth-Century Interpretations of 'Sons and Lovers': A Collection of Critical Essays/ed. by Judith Farr. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1970. iv, 121 p
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