Tigir taiyg - sacrifice the sky in culture of Khakasses (end XIX - beginning of the XXI centuries)

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Purpose: Aim of this work is to characterize the image of Heaven complex Khakases worldview. Accordingly, the following objectives were: to determine its place and function in folklore and ritual practice of ethnic groups identified above Khakases, identification of mechanisms of transformation of the cult of Heaven with them. Chronological framework works span the end of XIX - beg. XXI century. The choice of such a part of the state of temporal boundaries of the source base on the research theme. The work is based on an integrated, system-historical approach to the study of the past. The technique is based on a synthesis of historical and ethnographic methods - scientific description, a concrete historical analysis, structural and semantic relic. Results: The complex of traditional mythological views of Khakases about the Sky is considered. The idea of top, light, fertility and good associated with it. Properties inherent in it remoteness, an inaccessibility, immensity and constancy in traditional consciousness promoted its absolute sacralization. The sky, being the most important part of space, at the same time acts and as the Supreme deity. On traditional views, it with all its stars authorizes life of everything that is on the earth; also dictates a course of nature on the earth: current of time, regularity of space, direction of development of society, etc. The sky acted as the highest judicial authority and the punishing force. Believed that Heavens are inseparable from the life of the person and accompany the person from the birth and to death and as a result define its destiny. It promoted thought development about volume «that above, and below». The arch of the sky acted as some kind of mirror: people peering into it, learned reflections of the destinies and life prospects. Believed that worship the Sky will provide fertility, prosperity and success in activity of people, as predetermined formation of ritual practice of sacrifices to the Sky. Conclusion: In outlook of Khakas one of the main places was occupied by ideas of the Sky, as the highest not personified deity. It confirms that fact that the mifo-ritual complex, related meets at all ethnic groups of Khakases. Having arisen in an extreme antiquity, the Sky cult in the transformed look remained up to now. Throughout a long time in which there was a formation of the Khakases ethnos, as a result of ethnocultural interactions to other ethnic communities, ideas of this highest sacral object constantly were affected by various world outlook systems, including world religions. With accession of Khakassia to Russia the active hristianization of local population began. During which the mifo-ritual complex connected with the Sky came under influence from Orthodoxy. It promoted a sinkretizm of the Khakases ceremonialism. Terms of carrying out were attached to a Christian holiday of the Trinity. Christian prayers and ritual gestures of a sign of the cross began to be used. In spiritual life by means of a hristianization the cult of the Sky starts being forced out by ideas of Christian God (Hudaye). At the same time, traditional views and the ceremonialism connected with the Supreme deity of Khan of Tigir in a relic form continue to occur and until now.


Tradition, belief, myth, ritual, sky, khakases

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219105

IDR: 147219105

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