Typology of innovative projects at the defense industry enterprises

Автор: Brevnov V.G., Erygina L.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.16, 2015 года.

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The defense industry is traditionally the engine of the Russian economy. In this sphere it is concentrated more than a half of all innovative development existing in our country. Application of the results of researches is possible, in a case of protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, in national economy civil industries, and for the purpose of sale in the international military and civil production markets. The defensive industry can't exist indifferently, from state control and management. In this regard we need steady instruments growth by means of which realization it is possible to transfer advancing development impulse and at the same time to exercise control of results. No doubt, these tools are innovative projects. However their realization demands accurate classification, for the purpose of a choice the most effective. At the initial research stage post-reform activity indicators of the defense industry enterprises are considered, the financing amounts of the state defensive order are specified. Various points of view concerning the content innovative project are presented. In borders of the real research author's interpretation of this concept in relation to the considered subject is used. The features of the enterprises and innovative projects defense industry complex are marked out. It is raised the influence question of the territory placement of the defensive industry enterprises on processes their steady functioning. The question about innovative projects typology of the defense industry enterprises complex is studied. The authors were faced by a task to develop typology corresponding to features of the defensive industry enterprises. The existing typology of innovative projects, representing the greatest scientific interest is investigated. Classifications sings are studied, the most widespread are allocated. As result, the innovative projects typology at the defense industry enterprises is offered.


Innovations, innovative project, defense industry, typology of innovative projects

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148177403

IDR: 148177403

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