Tutor functions of the teacher in the implementation of an individual educational program in pre-school education

Автор: Sutkovaia Nadezhda Valerievna, Molchanov Sergey Grigorievich

Журнал: Современная высшая школа: инновационный аспект @journal-rbiu

Рубрика: Трибуна молодого ученого

Статья в выпуске: 2 (32), 2016 года.

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“Tutorship”, “individual educational program”, “educational space” and “social space” phenomena are discussed as tutor functions appeared in the activities of a pre-school teacher due to the new Federal state educational standard of pre-school education. The reasons of its appearance are analyzed. Distinctions of the contents of the main phenomena are drawn: tutor and his/her functions in the contemporary pre-school education, pre-school teacher. The main distinctive features of the teacher and tutor are shown as well the distinctive features of the individual educational program and individual educational route and the ways of program implementation by the teacher and tutor.


Individual educational program, individual educational route, (educational (social) space, tutor, tutorship, tutor functions

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14240043

IDR: 14240043   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-2-163-179

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