To geostationary collocation problem

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This article is about geostationary collocation problem which means problem of cooperative station retention. As part of this task it is assumed that different control centers don’t exchange information about kinematic parameter’s vectors and maneuvers. So there is full information and control possibility for one collocation member only. Sets of kinematic parameter vectors are available for the other collocation members. This situation corresponds to lack of a priority information conditions, so there is f nonparametric uncertainty situation because due to absence of informa- tion on parametric control law which is used to choose maneuvers for other collocation members. Modern collocation theory doesn’t allow to avoid collision and process station retention in this condition. Synthesis of nonparametric regu- lator is in contemplation to solve this problem. First task of this regulator is estimation of previous maneuvers by proces- sing kinematic parameter vectors sets. Second task is estimation of coordinates for every collocation member. Finally, nonparametric regulator must synthesize control which allows to process station retention and collocation. Suggested algorithm belongs to nonparametric class, so it is not necessary to know parametric form of controlling law. It is based on modification of Nadaraya-Watson nonparametric estimation. The geostationary movement model including main perturbations, and most common collocation approaches are suggested. Nonparametric control algorithm is proposed.


Nonparametrics, geostationary spacecraft, collocation

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IDR: 148177730

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