Tourist Attractiveness Based on the National and Territorial Identity of the Northern Region: The Example of the Republic of Karelia

Автор: Morozov A.A.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Northern and arctic societies

Статья в выпуске: 53, 2023 года.

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This article raises an extremely relevant for Russia topic of domestic tourism as a driving factor of regional development at the socio-economic level. The region of study is the Republic of Karelia (RK). The object of the research is both external and internal tourists, and the subject of the study is economically and socially significant innovative forms of domestic tourism in the territory of the RK. In the course of the research the following objectives were set: to identify the peculiarities of ethnic identity of the RK, to confirm the attractiveness for tourists and local residents of the cultural and historical features of the region and its impact on the economy of the region. The paper presents a comparative analysis of two empirical studies using a formalized interview (sociological survey of exploratory type). The results of the work allowed us to conclude that both for tourists visiting the region and for the inhabitants of the region, toponyms and other names have a high level of attractiveness and significance and the support of this has a positive impact on the economic condition of the territories. The paper presents project ideas regarding the practical application of linguistic features of indigenous peoples and cultures, which will be a driving force for the development of innovative forms of domestic cultural and historical tourism in the territory of the Republic of Karelia. For this direction, of course, the drivers are the following representatives of the community of the region under study: public authorities at the regional level; business, showing or wishing to show itself as socially responsible; various active social groups and groups of professionals; bearers of cultural symbols.


Regional economy, tourism, culture, regionalism, social responsibility, rural economy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329497   |   DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2023.53.219

Список литературы Tourist Attractiveness Based on the National and Territorial Identity of the Northern Region: The Example of the Republic of Karelia

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