Traditional book in the space of modern culture

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Under the traditional book refers to the work of the press in the form of a code that emerged in Europe in the middle of the 15 th century and is still an important form of storing and transmitting information. Examines the project of the Russian state library “Book through the eyes of a designer” (December 2016 - April 2017). Define the place and role of the artist books in the process of translation, literary (verbal) text in the spatial-visual form of the book. The book is regarded as a “text of culture”, able to interpret and update classic artistic and scientific works.

Traditional book, книжная ярмарка non/fiction, international fair for hiqh-quality fiction and non-fiction, project "the book through the eyes of the designer", art of books, book culture, structure books, book as a cultural artifact, the book as a "text of culture"


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