Transformation of the status of the president of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union
Автор: Uporov I.V.
Журнал: Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук @intjournal
Рубрика: Юридические науки
Статья в выпуске: 10-3 (97), 2024 года.
Бесплатный доступ
With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the system of public authority at the federal level was radically changed in post-Soviet Russia. A fundamentally new institution was the post of President of the RSFSR (later - President of the Russian Federation), introduced in the same year, and this was done based on the results of the All-Russian President. Then, the first direct elections in the history of Russia were held for the head of state, whose status was initially determined by amendments to the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978, and then - in the Constitution of Russia of 1993. This status was not stable, changes took place in certain positions. The article provides a brief historical background on the emergence of the presidential institution in our country, and presents the features of the transformation of the status of the President of Russia. Accordingly, the norms of constitutional and other legislative acts, as well as scientific works that touch upon the stated topic, are analyzed. It is noted, in particular, that the current Constitution of Russia defines the status of the President of Russia in more detail, however, at the initial stage, constitutional norms provided for stricter responsibility of the highest official.
Rsfsr, Russia, constitution, president, declaration, status, society, elections, state
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170207473 | DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-3-143-147