Trichinosis of brown bear and Asiatic black bear in the Russian Far East

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The spread of trichinosis in bears and circulation features of the disease in the populations of predators is an important issue, knowledge of which is necessary for the prevention of helminthiasis in humans. The results of studies of biological material from carcasses of brown bears on the trichinosis for 2003- 2007, 2009-2010 for the Kamchatka region and from 2006 to 2011 in the Sakhalin area. The causative agent of trichinosis in bears in the Russian Far East is the species of Trichinella nativa. The extent of Trichinella infestation varies from 2,4 % in Sakhalinsky region to 30,6 % in Kamchatsky region. Trichinosis infection among Asiatic black bears is lower than among brown bears. Eating bear’s meat is the main cause of man’s Trichinosis infection. Bear meat is a source of infestation with trichinosis people in the Khabarovsk region in 20 % of cases and in 17 % of cases in the Amur region. In Russia 85 % of cases of human infection occurs after eating the meat of a brown bear. On the South of the Russian Far East (Primorsky region and southern Khabarovsk region) trichinosis exposed to two species of bears: brown and Himalayan bears - one of the main causes of infection of human trichinosis. According to the information of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Magadan Interregional Veterinary Laboratory, in Magadan region cases of trichinosis in the brown bear were found in 28 specimens of brown bear, in 17 cases (61 %) in meat have been identified larvae of Trichinella, suggesting greater spread of trichinosis in Magadan region.


Trichinella, ursus arctos, ursus thibetanus, trichinosis, brown bear, asiatic black bear

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IDR: 14084078

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