Creativity of V. Kandinsky - the gap between freedom and affirmative art

Автор: Malinina Nina Lvovna

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: Философия

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2018 года.

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The artistic image is a categorial framework that allows one to analyze artistic creativity, artistic culture as well as the processes of creative culture. There is a theoretical problem of correlation between a creative product and its social significance. The relationships between the objectification of creativity and social reality have internal controversial unity. The artist expresses the values of his historical period, primarily humanistic and moral ones. The contradiction lies in the fact that art reflects values objectively and reveals them through artistic emotion but does not solve real problems. The avant-garde has evolved as a reaction to the changing social processes. The avant-garde movement destroyed the attitude to tradition, style as a dogma and an unbreakable rule. Avant-gardists were free to use the artistic means violating the rules of art. V. Kandinsky is a striking representative of both Russian and world avant-garde. He was able to demonstrate the visible social problems through something invisible in the artistic image. Artworks were created as a protest against unjust social reality, but in fact, it expressed negative emotions in an artistic manner and stopped the real protest. This was called an affirmative art. The avant-garde search for new artistic means led to the creation of an artistic image based on the activity of the viewer’s perception. The recipient was given the unprecedented freedom of interpretation. A work of art did not address social problems directly but gave a person the freedom to perceive the artistic image and co-create.


Artistic image, avant-garde, values, social justice, affirmative art, expressive means, visible, invisible, freedom of perception of the work, v. kandinsky

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IDR: 14941423   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2018.1.4

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