Development of an online training course for teachers based on professional collaboration

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In the context of the growing need for distance education and the use of digital technologies for advanced training, the task arises of developing high-quality educational content using active methods and techniques of teaching students. The purpose of the article is to identify an algorithm for creating an online course based on professional collaboration, to determine its effectiveness in the process of teachers’ training. The article presents many years of experience in designing an online course together with students on the issues of inclusive education, including determining their request, arranging content and methodological materials, cases, multimedia content, practical tasks, control and evaluation materials. The applied methodological technique reflects the subject-subject approach in education, activates and motivates participants in the pedagogical process to jointly search and critically analyze available information resources and practical experience, reflects the peculiarities of teachers’ training, where teachers are presented as adult subjects of education, characterized by the specifics of professional information consumption and the development of competencies. The main principle is a departure from the presentation of "ready-made" information, joint creation, cyclical filling of the course content, discussion, reflective assessment. Each new group of trained teachers studies the achievements of previous participants, elaborates, introduces new content, so the course is constantly being completed, updated, and relevant. This experience may be of interest to teachers who are just learning information technology, while experiencing difficulties in working through online learning.


Online learning, information educational technologies, teacher training

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IDR: 148328956   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-77-82

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