Un-words as a factor of ideologization in the modern German political discourse

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The research attempts to establish the content component of un-words that have recently entered the modern political discourse of Germany, represented by a corpus of texts from federal and regional media that form a negative agenda, from the point of view of the difficulties they present for their interpretation by the reader. These include: the problem of terminological ambisemy, neologisms that are multi-component words, evaluative vocabulary containing negative connotations in relation to representatives of other cultures of migrant origin, as well as catchwords and expressions that include a retro component. The lexemes Remigration, Heizungs-Stasi, Doppelwumms, Kriegstьchtigkeit, Gamechanger, Sondervermцgen, Stolzmonat, Technologieoffenheit, Klimakleber, etc. have been examined. The lexical-semantic method with elements of discourse and content analysis, contextual analysis, as well as elements of word-formation analysis were used during the study. Such a complex combination of various methods is due to the fact that the analyzed language units are not recorded in lexicographic sources, glossary dictionaries and reference literature. It was stated that the most popular topics that form a negative agenda are the problem of migration, environmental and environmental-social problems associated with a decrease in the standard of living of German citizens, unsuccessful rhetoric of the political elite containing statements that affect the implementation of Germany’s internal and foreign policy.


Un-word, political discourse, germany, interlingual communication, intercultural communication, ideological component

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149146853

IDR: 149146853   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2024.4.7

Список литературы Un-words as a factor of ideologization in the modern German political discourse

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