Updating of the labor standards: New employment or new release

Автор: Perišić Vladan S., Perisić Gluščević Jelena, Karakas Nedeljko

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Review paper

Статья в выпуске: 10-12 vol.31, 2014 года.

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New employment is the task of every serious state. The development of the society is conditioned by the Institute of employment which, through the labor law environment, achieves impacts on all areas of functioning of the state as a whole. The amendments to the Labor Relations Act, as an initial effort of creating a climate for attracting investors and making a stable and efficient work force, created the illusion of devaluation of work as well as the position of employees. However, the new normative determinations are simply an attempt the labor law institutes to be harmonized with the same ones in the European environment. At the same time they should eliminate the fear of insecurity caused by the remains of the socialist working environment. Although it has been a long period of time since a failed socialism and painful transition, the roots of mistrust have created a big dilemma. By the harmonization of labor law regulations, the long-term conditions are created in order to increase the number of employees for new jobs and better working conditions. New single release may be the new paradigm of employment. It is the price of the development of economic relations and the correlation to the new technology, development and long-term requirements of the market demands and adaptable workforce. We are confident that the Serbian legislature is trying to achieve, through changes to the provisions of the Parent Employment Law and in accordance with the general guidelines of the Council of Ministers of the European Union, legally binding harmonization of the labor legal system and thereby finally open the labor market as a condition for foreign investments in our economy.


Labor law, employment, dismissal of employees, the Labor Relations Act

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202500

IDR: 170202500   |   DOI: 10.5937/ptp1412043P

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