Controlling the development of the research university. Project of the lobachevski university

Автор: Strongin Roman G., Chuprunov Evgeniy V.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Управление развитием вуза

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2016 года.

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The article describes approaches to managing research university development developed at the NNSU. The importance of the research is illustrated by consecutive use of these approaches in creating forestall education system at NNSU during one decade in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine in the context of no preliminary knowledge basis in this field. The article demonstrates the role of large scale educational network formation covering national and foreign participants as well as the role of major research projects gained on a competitive basis in creating advanced personnel, technological and experimental (for example unique vivarium for transgene animals) resource base. The authors emphasize the role of resource concentration on priority areas chosen by the team (for example in the form of "strategy development" document for the perspective). The article reflects systematic interconnection between project and administrative approaches. In order to stabilize network functioning their parts can gradually obtain structural form (like research institute) and act as joining elements in the network. However the experience of developing complex interdisciplinary topic shows that these structural elements can become parts of new networks oriented towards practical implementation of academic ideas together with industrial partners. The authors demonstrate that broad involvement of graduate and postgraduate students into real research necessary for new technologies personnel support can be implemented by means of creating research educational institution uniting chairs and research units that would act as academic centers for such institutions. The authors emphasize continuous nature of both integration process and "advanced" units creation process. High dynamics of new technology development, need for network integration for providing interdisciplinary activities, competitive nature of financing, need for structural units preparing models and documents for research commercialization lead to inevitable constant adaptation of university and its network structure to changing environment. All these factors change interaction process between people requiring ability to change the nature of these relations both inside the team and with external partners. Besides that it is necessary to create "geographic" opportunities for such changes in the process of work (such as new premises). Described activities based on developed theoretical basics and aimed at their constant development leads to forming new management culture that suggests organization adequate training for managing staff.


Managing the research university, university networks, project oriented and administrative management, forestall education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142227045

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