Management of the development at lifelong learning and continuing education in higher education institution: best practices of PETRSU

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The article is written with the aim of actualizing continuous education development challenges at the universities and contains PSU experience in this area. The analysis uses systematic approach. Introduction to the article contains basis, prerequisites and conditions for continuous and lifelong learning at the universities. It presents approaches to "lifelong learning concept in national and international theory and practice, identifies horizontal, vertical and in depth development vectors of continuous education as potential areas for university development. The article describes indicative project approach to managing continuous education development, presents trends, criteria and performance indicators and gives a list of main projects for 2012 and 2015 aimed at developing lifelong learning. The article also describes measures for developing supplementary professional programs for regional personnel, professional development of regional teaching staff including area of lifelong learning. The article identifies the problem academic and methodic support of lifelong learning at the university using PSU experience. Conclusions present key requirements for developing lifelong learning at the university on the basis of project indicative approach identified during project work in 2012-2015. Results obtained can be used in the work of regional universities on creating and developing continuous education systems in the regions.


Lifelong learning, higher education, continuing education

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IDR: 142140240

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