V. N. Iliyn as a literary critic

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the number of critical works, created by one of the outstanding theologian and philosopher of Russian emigration of the so called «the first wave» V.N.Ilijn. The article analyses the least known aspects of the works of the philosopher, in which he has given the highest estimation of the spiritual and esthetic merit of the works of Russian literature and has pointed out the low level of the critics. The article investigates the critical methodology of V.N.Ilijn. The study not only points out V.N.Ilijn’s critical position, but adds the picture of the condition of the Russian literary critics and the literary science of the XX-th century in general.


Critic, author, poet, writer, spiritual, philosopher, art, culture, monograph, emigration, artistic merit, value, esthetic

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148101398

IDR: 148101398

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