The most important archaeological discoveries relating to the Neolithic to early iron age cultures of Siberia

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On the basis of the current knowledge, key archaeological discoveries made in Siberia and the Russian Far East over the three centuries, and spanning the interval from the Neolithic to the Early Iron Age, are assessed. Principal scholars and their works are listed. Rescue excavations have made it possible to construct archaeological typologies and to model historical and cultural processes. D.G. Messerschmidt's role as the discoverer of the Early Iron Age of Khakassia and of the Tom rock art site is described. Later, this rock art site was thoroughly studied by A.P. Okladnikov and A.I. Martynov. Achievements of the 20th century continued those of the 18th and 19th centuries. On the basis of typologies elaborated by S.A. Teploukhov for Khakassia, similar cultural and chronological models for neighboring areas of Western Siberia were constructed. A.P. Okladnikov's typology for the Cis-Baikal Neolithic and Bronze Age were elaborated by his colleagues and students. The earliest stages of the Amur Neolithic with the most ancient ceramics in Northern Asia, dating to 16,780-14,200 cal BC, were described. E.N. Chernykh's and S.V Kuzminykh's theory of Seima-Turbino-a transcultural phenomenon of key importance for the Eurasian Bronze Age-is outlined. While its basic features are better known today, their theory has retained its relevance. With regard to the Early Iron Age, the major excavations concerned mounds such as Arzhan-1, Arzhan-2, and Chinge-Tey-1 in Tuva. In the Altai Mountains, likewise outstanding Pazyryk kurgans (600-200 BC) were excavated. An entirely new stage in Scythian age archaeology was marked by N.V Polosmak's excavations of "frozen”, undisturbed burials of middle-ranking and low-ranking Pazyryk people on the Ukok Plateau. Similar burials were excavated by Z. Samashev and H.P. Francfort on the western slopes of the Altai. Pazyryk chronology was elaborated owing to the use of the tree-ring analysis.


Siberia, far east, early iron age, hypotheses, discoveries, cultural and chronological models, researchers

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IDR: 145146771   |   DOI: 10.17746/1563-0102.2023.51.1.052-058

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