Influence of Belarusian pedagogical periodicals on the development of teacher’s self-education: a historical sketch

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The aim of this article is the historical and pedagogical reflection of the influence of Belarusian pedagogical periodicals on the process of self-education of a teacher at different historical stages; the presented substantive analysis of the historiography of the development of pedagogical periodicals allows to reveal the diversity and depth not only of various forms of self-education of a teacher in the process of searching for additional knowledge, but also the content of education and pedagogical thought of the Republic of Belarus in the historical dynamics as a whole. In the article, based on the study of publications of the Belarusian pedagogical press of the beginning of the 20th century - up to now reveals the stimulating influence of the press on the improvement of the national system of pedagogical education in this period. The author focuses on the functional analysis of the Belarusian scientific pedagogical periodicals, defining their informational (communicative), stimulating, direct-organizing, socially-orienting or ideological functions. The author also considers the leading role of self-education and self-development of a teacher in the process of improving pedagogical skills, the importance of self consistent search, acquisition of new pedagogical information due to the understanding of the value of the teacher's own activity, especially in the pre-revolutionary period, when the few periodicals were often the only way to obtain or actualise additional pedagogical knowledge. The result of the historical and logical analysis is the conclusion that the pedagogical press at different historical stages has made and continues to make a huge contribution to the development of both self-education of a teacher and the system of additional education of pedagogical workers in general, having an effective impact on the readership, and being a kind of pedagogical "beacon", the main purpose of which is the timely catching of emerging trends in the field of modern pedagogical practice.


Belarusian pedagogical periodicals, teacher's self-education, national school, pedagogical thought

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IDR: 140304223

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