The influence of valuable components of Chlorella sorokiniana biomass on the vitality of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast

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The research objective was studying the influence of disintegrated biomass of microalga of Chlorella sorokiniana on the activity of yeast at fermentation. The research material was air and dry biomass received at cultivation of prekultura of S. of sorokiniana (strain 211-8k), dry S. cerevisiae baker's yeast. Necessary technological stage was preliminary preparation of sorokiniana biomass C. by disintegration. The ways of disintegration of ultrasonic, microwave disintegration and by means of high-frequency homogenizer are most often used. Disintegrated biomass was brought in a nutrient medium in the number of 20 mg%. Prepared water suspension with biomass of hlorella was used as an additional component of a nutrient medium at the stage of introduction of pure culture of yeast. As nutrient medium kvass wort was used. 10 ml of suspension with the content of biomass of hlorella of 20 mg was brought in 100 ml of kvass wort. The mass of brought lyophilized yeast made 0.1 g / 100 ml of nutrient medium...


Saccharomyces cerevisiae, сhlorella sorokiniana, chlorella sorokiniana, biomass disintegration, activation of metabolism, bioavailability, biologically active agents

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IDR: 140245595   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-151-157

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