The effect of adding flour from oat flakes on the technological parameters of the preparation of wheat baguette

Автор: Kovaleva A.E., Pyanikova E.A., Ryazantseva A.S., Kalugin E.Y., Greshilov E.T., Ovchinnikova E.V.

Журнал: Вестник Воронежского государственного университета инженерных технологий @vestnik-vsuet

Рубрика: Пищевая биотехнология

Статья в выпуске: 1 (99) т.86, 2024 года.

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Functional food products have recently become very popular among the population. This category includes products with added nutritional value, which favorably affect the state of the body and contribute to reducing the risk of developing a number of diseases. One of these ingredients is dietary fiber, the source of which may be oat flakes. The paper examined the influence of oatmeal flour on the technological parameters of the production of wheat baguette, in the formulation of which part of the wheat flour was replaced by this flour. Research results have shown that when kneading dough, due to the high water-absorbing ability of oat flour, water consumption increases, compared with the preparation of dough on wheat flour. During the fermentation process, the temperature of the dough increases and, as a result, the fermentation process accelerates, which can negatively affect the acidity of the baguette. Therefore, ice is added instead of room temperature water. The hardness of such ice water should be 4-6 ° F. In order to obtain a more plastic and elastic dough for baguettes, oat flour with a fat content of no more than 9% and with the replacement of wheat flour in an amount of no more than 50% was used. The use of oatmeal flour in the baguette recipe affects the duration of the "fermentation" operation: it accelerates it due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and total sugars, which are a nutrient medium for the development of yeast. Introduction to the baguette production technology of additional processing of molded blanks with a boiling soda solution allows you to get a product with a crisp crust and an airy crumb.


Wheat baguette, recipe, technological parameters, fermentation, oatmeal flour

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305680   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2024-1-38-45

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