The influence of Esenin's «imaginism version» on the poetry of A. V. Shyryaevets in 1919 - 1921

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This article is about some aspects of A.Shyryaevets' creation and S.A.Esenin's poetry. The main problem of the article is the analysis of Esenin's complicated metaphoric construction («image») influence on A.Shyryaevets' poetical system. Two authors' creative interaction refine metaphoric system in Shyryaevets' poetry. Analysis of his poems (dated with 1919 - 1921) shows that the author's poetical heritage included in a literary situation of the beginning of 20th century represents a conjunction of his personal «peasant» attitude and poetical tendencies of that time.

Poetry, "new-peasant" literature, metaphor, personification, catachresis, imaginism, character

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