The influence of physical culture and sports on the functioning of the body and the formation of a «Healthy lifestyle» of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs studying in the profile of the traffic police

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In the article, at the present stage of society's development, considerable attention is paid to physical culture and sports as key components of the formation of psychological and physical health of cadets and students of higher educational institutions. The problems associated with the sedentary lifestyle of young people, increased mental stress, the influence of which leads to violations of both physical and psychological health (neuroses and depressions), are considered. The assessment of the influence of sports on the functioning of the body systems of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs studying in the profile of the traffic police was carried out. The most optimal types of sports have been identified, the activities of which will contribute to the improvement of the body.


Physical education, sports, needs, healthy lifestyle, future traffic police officers, cadets and students of educational organizations of the ministry of internal affairs

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IDR: 142241084

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