The influence of exercise and sports work on the behavior of consumed

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This article reveals such an important problem as the behavior of convicts and the influence of physical culture on it. Also in this article, we analyzed some patterns of behavior of convicts, identified causal relationships and, on the basis of this, summed up: how physical culture and sports work directly affects behavior. Achieving the main goal of the penitentiary policy - the correction of convicts - we consider it quite acceptable due to the active physical culture and sports work with convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. Among the advantages of this kind of events, an important place is occupied by such characteristics as mass character, unobtrusiveness, leisure nature and ease of implementation. Important here is the fact that when communicating and working with convicts, it is necessary to take into account their individual characteristics, starting with health and ending with character. From the point of view of the mental, and not the physical process, playing sports disciplines a person, he becomes more restrained, balanced and self-confident. This will significantly reduce the risk of conflicts in correctional institutions, both with convicts and with employees. First of all, physical education is not only exercises and loads, but also various conversations with convicts, conducting all kinds of trainings for motivation.


Convicts, educational influence, imprisonment, physical education, physical culture and sports work

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IDR: 148323334   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2021-23-81-11-15

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