Influence of non-traditional minced fish filler on the chopped semi-finished products quality

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The purpose of research is to study the influence of non-traditional minced fish filler on the quality of chopped semi-finished products. Objectives: to study the functional and technological indicators of minced pollock mass with the addition of dry seaweed; to conduct a tasting assessment of fish balls; to determine chemical and microbiological quality indicators of finished products. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. Four samples of fish balls were studied; 4, 6 and 10 % additives were added to the minced meat of test samples 1, 2, 3, respectively; no additive was used in the control sample. The results of studying the functional and technological indicators of minced meat showed that the addition of dry seaweed to the minced pollock system increases its water-retaining capacity (WRC) in test sample 1 by 4.3 %>, in test sample 2 and 3 by 5.3 and 7.0 % accordingly, in comparison with the control, functional and technological indicators (plasticity, tenderness and pH) are improved, which ultimately led to an improvement in the taste of the product. Thus, the consistency of prototype 3 is dense, with a distinct taste and smell of algae; the consistency of test sample 1 is plastic, with a weak taste and smell of the additive; test sample 2, containing 6 % seaweed, had a juicy consistency, a smell typical of a semi-finished fish product, and a faint aroma of seaweed. Chemical studies showed that increasing the dosage of the additive in all test samples reduced the value of the mass fraction of moisture, protein and fat, especially in test sample 3: by 4 %; 1.09; 0.13 %, respectively, compared to the control. The presence of dietary fiber in seaweed increases the mass fraction of carbohydrates in the test samples. A study of the mineral composition established the dependence of the increase in mineral substances on the dose of the supplement, especially iodine, copper and selenium; among vitamins, the content of B12 increased. No sanitary, hygienic or pathogenic microorganisms were found in the finished fish balls. The obtained research established the feasibility of using 6% of dry kelp to the mass of minced fish in the production of fish balls.


Fish balls, pollock fillet, seaweed, minced fish, water-retaining capacity (wrc), functional and technological indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140306665   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-4-201-208

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