The effect of vegetable plant ingredients on the quality of dry fish-vegetable food concentrates

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An urgent issue is to provide the population of Sierra Leone with high-grade food to maintain their health. The article presents the results of assessing the effect of vegetable plant ingredients on the quality of fish-vegetable food concentrates obtained using convective drying technology at a temperature of 110-120 0С; food concentrates from sardinella fish, obtained by us using a similar technology were taken for comparison. Dried minced fish was ground in a mill to a powdery state. Food concentrates are fine a powder ranging in colour from beige to orange depending on the ingredients used in its preparation. In fish and fish-vegetable food concentrate, compared to fresh fish, the amount of protein increases almost 5 times, in fish-vegetable food concentrate, compared to fish, there are more mineral elements. A comparison was made of the nutritional value and organoleptic characteristics of fish food concentrates from sardinella and fish - vegetable food concentrates with the addition of carrots and corn flour. To compare the nutritional value of the resulting food concentrates, proteins, fats and minerals were determined using generally accepted methods. Based on the results of assessing the nutritional value, it was found that by adding vegetable plants ingredients (carrots, okra, corn flour) to the food concentrate, the amount of dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins B, PP, E C and trace elements K, Ca, Fe, P, increases in the product, which ensures a comprehensive supply of essential macro - and micronutrients to the body. The resulting food concentrates can be used to make soups and sauces.


Food concentrates, nutritional value, organoleptic indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305669   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2024-1-207-211

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