Influence of different types of polymer packagings on the storage of avocado fruits during their sales in the retail trade network

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The paper presents the results of research on the use of polymer packaging in the storage of avocado fruits at the retail stage. The fruits of the Haas variety imported from South Africa were taken as the object of research. The scheme of the experiment included 3 packaging options - without packaging, packaging in FlowPack films and modified atmosphere and humidity MA/MH, and 3 storage conditions - refrigerating, at a temperature of 4-5 °C and relative humidity 93...94 %, in the receiving area of the distribution center at a temperature of 8...18 °C and relative humidity 57 % and in a heated room with a temperature of 20-21 °C and a relative humidity of 70 %, simulating various zones of retail chain enterprises. The duration of experimental storage was 9 days. The preservation assessment was carried out on according to product weight loss amount, the analysis of the infestation of fruits with pathogens. Analysis of the loss of fruit weight during storage showed that under all conditions, the most effective is the use of packaging MA / MH, which provided a loss of product weight of 0.11 % in cold storage, 0.57 % in uncooled conditions and 0.85 % in a heated room, which indicates the possibility of storing this type of product during the stated period in retail trade enterprises conditions. Less effective is the use of FlowPack packaging, which provides the possibility of storage in a heated room for up to 8 days versus 4 days without packaging under the same conditions. Packaging MA/MH contributes to the suppression of the development of pathogenic microorganisms in comparison with the control and packaging of FlowPack, affecting the species composition of the microflora. The results obtained allow us to recommend the use of the MA/MN film for consumer packaging of avocado fruits in order to extend the storage life at the stage of wholesale and retail sales.


Avocado, storage, packaging, film, modified atmosphere, pathocomplex

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147240833   |   DOI: 10.14529/food230208

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