Influence of diffuse psychological boundaries on the effectiveness of activities in co-dependencies

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The article presents the results of an experimental study of the influence of fuzzy psychological boundaries on the effectiveness of joint activities in co-dependent relationships. It is suggested that interference in the joint activities of a person with blurred psychological boundaries adversely affects the quality and effectiveness of this activity. It is assumed that the blurriness of psychological boundaries is a feature of the individual, prone to building co-dependent relationships. The received data confirmed the proposed assumptions. Individuals who are prone to co-dependent relationships are more likely to exhibit behavioral manifestations that indicate the erosion of psychological boundaries. Participation of a co-dependent person reduces the effectiveness of the task of other members of the group. At the same time, participation in a joint activity of a person who is not prone to co-dependent relationships increases the efficiency of the performer's task.


Psychological boundaries of personality, joint activity, co-dependent relation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148312784

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