The influence of textured products from grain raw materials on the state of carbohydrate-amylase complex in flour mixtures for bakery products

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The research objective was studying the influence of textured flour on the state of carbohydrate-amylase complex in flour mixtures for bread production. The research problems were to define experimentally the number of falling (NF) of grain texturates; to make mixtures with partial replacement of wheat flour by textured products; to study the state of NF of received mixtures; to conduct pilot studies of mixtures at bread production. The number of falling was defined according to State Standard 27676 on the device PChP-3. Using the indicator of the number of falling, the state of carbohydrate-amylase mixtures complex was defined. The mixtures were made of small, average and large fractions of the flour. The following texturate in wheat flour was brought: barley, oat and wheat. The replacement of wheat flour by the texturate was made in the quantity from 5 to 25 %. NF of flour mixtures on average decreased by 8 % depending on the fineness of grinding and the type of entered textured product, but all the indicators remained within the requirement of State Standard specification...


Texturate, bread, grain raw material, bakery products, flour mixtures

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140245591   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-127-132

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