The effect of heat treatment of pates on organoleptic characteristics of the finished product

Автор: Sharoglazova Lidiya P., Velichko Nadezhda A., Rygalova Elizabeth A., Zobnina Lyudmila S.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технология продовольственных продуктов

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2021 года.

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The research objective was studying the influence of heat treatment of meat pates on organoleptic indicators of a ready-made product. The research problems were to establish the influence of temperature condition on organoleptic indicators of meat pate when carrying out pasteurization and sterilization. As the object of the research 3 developed pate compoundings from chicken liver were used: "Pate with garlic", "Pate with a nutmeg", "Pate with a walnut". The organoleptic analysis was carried out according to State Standard 9959-91 "Meat products. General conditions of carrying out an organoleptic assessment". The chicken liver pate made on three compoundings subjected to heat treatment. According to the instruction about an order of sanitary control of canned food at manufacturing enterprises, wholesale bases, in retail trade and at catering establishments the modes of heat treatment sterilization (warming up up to the sterilization temperature within 20 minutes, sterilization were chosen at 115 °C - 25 minutes, descent of pressure and unloading -15 minutes) and pasteurization (warming up up to the pasteurization temperature - 15 minutes, pasteurization at 90 °C - 30 minutes, descent of pressure and unloading - 10 minutes). Tasting assessment of ready pastes was carried out on 5-mark system according to State Standard 9959-91. The results of organoleptic assessment of three compoundings of chicken liver pate depending on the modes of heat treatment for the purpose of increasing in the periods of storage of the product were given. Technological modes of carrying out pasteurization and sterilization of pates were given. The influence of temperature condition on organoleptic indicators of the studied pastes when carrying out the modes of sterilization and pasteurization was established. The total organoleptic score of studied samples of pates showed that the pate without heat treatment had the best organoleptic indicators. Carrying out pasteurization of pates slightly changed these indicators while sterilization of the product having negative impact on organoleptic indicators of pate, such as taste, smell, consistence. For the preservation of the best organoleptic indicators of meat pates with prolonged expiration date the pasteurization mode was recommended.


Chicken liver pate, organoleptic characteristics, heat treatment, pasteurization, sterilization, tasting assessment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254746   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-1-150-154

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