3 (7) т.2, 2009 - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
Выпуск журнала: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast 2009 год №3 (7) т.2
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IDS: 147223057 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147223057
Содержание выпуска 3 (7) т.2, 2009 Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
Development strategy
Istomin Anatoly Vasilevich, Selin Vladimir Stepanovich
Strategy and possibilities of the program-target approach in regulation of regional economic development
Chaika Larisa Viktorovna
Problems of development and institutional reformation of the power-supply complex of Russia
Regional economy the issue theme: food security and agro-industrial sector in north-west federal district
Ivanov Valentin Aleksandrovich, Terentyev Vitaly Vasilevich
The regional aspects of food security
Social development
Shabunova Alexandra Anatolevna, Kalachikova Olga Nikolaevna
Reproductive health as a factor in quality of population reproduction
Kostyleva Lyudmila Vasilevna
Spatial aspects of the region's of population socio-economic differentiation
Continuing the previous issue theme small entrepreneurship development
Smirnova Galina Porphirevna, Strelnikov Alexey Gennadevich
Diversification and small business as the factor of economic development
Tsukerman Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich
The value and role of small enterprises in the northern regions' transition the innovative way of development
Morozova Tatjana Vasilevna, Kozyreva Galina Borisovna, Kurilo Anna Evgenevna
The development features of small entrepreneurship in rural settlements in the Republic of Karelia (on example of Pudoga region)
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