Education of patriotism in students by means of folk art

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The article discusses the possibilities of folk art as a means of educating a student’s personality. It is noted that the folk art of embroidery has deep artistic and craft traditions and historical roots and represents a special sociocultural type of folk culture. Folk art connects the past with the present, preserving national traditions, developing unique national features, aesthetic and patriotic traditions, highlighting the general and specific characteristics of Russian folk culture. Particular importance is attached to the principle of nationality,the ideas of K.D. Ushinsky. A model of instilling patriotism in students through folk art is presented, which is built on the basis of systemic, value-based and creative-activity approaches; includes target, content, motivational-value, practical-activity, evaluative- effective components. The epistemological, axiological, regulatory and normative functions of folk culture through Russian folk cross stitch are highlighted. The characteristics of the pedagogical and organizational conditions for the implementation of the model of instilling patriotism in students through folk art are given.


Education, patriotism, folk art, pedagogical and organizational conditions, model of patriotism education

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