Educational program as the mechanism of formation of disciplinary responsibility of teenagers in the conditions of comprehensive school

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In article the relevance of a question of disciplinary responsibility of the teenager is justified. The contradiction which is that educational schools are, still, oriented on training, on set of the main knowledge, abilities, skills, on formation at teenagers of key competences while information society demands from the young man readiness for independent actions able to bear responsibility for consequences of the activities and to be disciplined is revealed. A part of teenagers hardly conform to the disciplined rules set at school though recognize importance of formation of such type of responsibility within organized pedagogical process. The concept "disciplinary responsibility" and its applied relevance of use of the organization of pedagogical process of school is considered. Content of process of education is disclosed. Advantages of use are reflected in educational practice of personal and activity approach and bases of cooperation within humanitarian pedagogy. In the conditions of the increased interest in education as to specially organized process on formation and development of the identity of the teenager, the possibility of a choice of the ideas of selection of content of education, formation of the concept of education, creation of authoring schools appeared, development of educational programs. The analysis of the educational programs used in practice aimed at the development and formation of the modern teenager is provided. Implementation of programs of different directivity allows in case of upgrade of pedagogical processes, in case of implementation of specific educational actions to master, for example, forms of behavior of disciplinary responsibility for consequences of the activities (creates in the teenager restraint, an incentive to self-control, ability to control actions and emotions, creates conditions for overcoming shortcomings and increase in culture of behavior). The forms and methods used in implementation process of the program are distributed on three main aspects of disciplinary responsibility: cognitive (obtaining new information), affective (motivation to discipline), and behavioral (development of the positive behavioral reference points). The mechanism of the program is directed to creation of a clear idea of the teenager of bases and advantages of possession of disciplinary responsibility, about mastering of rational forms of interaction in critical situations, about development of communicative skills of the personality and also to formation of a moral and strong-willed line item of the personality and assimilation of the social forms of behavior taken in society.


Educational program, discipline, disciplinary responsibility, modern teenager, school

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IDR: 14951839   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2017-9-5/2-165-171

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