Perception of terrorism among young people: socio-political aspects

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In the article the attitude to various forms of terrorism in the youth environment is considered. On the materials of applied sociological research, information and social aspects of forming Samara youth attitude to terrorism are analyzed. Conclusions about the features of similarities and differences in views and attitude to the problem of terrorism among representatives of different age groups of young people are drawn. Conclusion. Summing up the results of research is possible to note that the majority of the assumptions about modern youth relation to terrorism were confirmed. So, in the course of growing-up concern about the problem of terrorist threat increases; the state and institute of education influence opinion formation among young people on a terrorism problem insufficiently. At the same time, a major factor of youth socialization in general and political socialization in particular, are the social processes in society finding the expression both in controlled, and uncontrolled on the part of the state mass media. Nobody can give a guarantee that web search of "great conversationalists" won''t lead a young man on the website forming ideology of terrorism and extremism as effort to attain the good purposes.


Social violence, terrorism, terrorist threat, perception of terrorism, extremism, conversance, mass media, youth, state

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IDR: 148102575

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