Possibility of using hemp cake in feeding ruminants

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The use of industrial hemp by-products in livestock diets helps reduce feed costs and achieve greater resource efficiency. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility of using hemp cake in feeding ruminants. The experiments were carried out using the in vitro method on the ANKOM DaisyII incubator device (modifications D200 and D200I) using a specialized technique. For the study, a control sample I and three experimental samples (II-IV) were prepared. Wheat bran (GOST 7169-2017) was used as a substrate; hemp cake (GOST 11694-66) was additionally included in the test samples in a volume of 5 % of DM - II; 10 % of DM - III; 20 % of DM - IV. The object of the study was rumen fluid (RF) incubated for 48 hours, which was obtained by probing from Nigerian breed goats, age 3-4 years, weight 40-45 kg. The degree of digestibility of the dry matter of the experimental samples was studied, as well as the level of VFAs and nitrogen metabolites in the rumen contents at different proportions of inclusion of hemp cake. As a result of the studies, it was found that the increased content of protein, fat and fiber in hemp cake reduces the digestibility of the dry matter of the diet by 1.2-4.3 %. The intensity of metabolic processes in the rumen contents with the inclusion of hemp cake decreased slightly; a decrease in the concentration of the total level of VFA, as well as total and protein nitrogen in the test samples relative to the control was noted, while the level of non-protein nitrogen, on the contrary, increased. Thus, hemp cake can be used as an additional feed additive that can reduce the economic costs of feeding to increase the profitability of dairy goat farming.


Hemp cake, digestibility, volatile fatty acids, nitrogen, ruminants

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140305296

IDR: 140305296   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-153-161

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