The possibility of using R'ubus sax'atilis L. extracts in bakery products

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The research objective was the development of bakery products recipe with improved qualitative characteristics using stone bramble extracts and the assessment of their quality indicators. As the object of the research stone bramble berries extracts, received from fresh berries growing on the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region and gathered in the period of technical maturity (August, 2018) was taken after separation of juice from them. The research of chemical composition of the extracts was conducted by the techniques accepted in biochemistry of plants. Bakery products were prepared with addition of berries extracts of stone bramble which were added in the form of a powder. The definition of the main characteristics of the quality of a bakery product was carried out by standard techniques. Organoleptic assessment of bakery product was defined in accordance with State Standards 31805-2012. In the samples of bakery products physical and chemical indicators were defined. As a result of the research chemical composition of berries extracts of stone bramble, growing on the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region of the crop of 2018 was established...


Bakery products, extract, berries, stone bramble, recipes, quality indicators

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IDR: 140243442

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