A view on the role of the business ombudsman in the state protection of small and medium businesses

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Introduction: At present, our country is faced with problems that significantly complicate the situation in the economy - these are the consequences of restrictions on entrepreneurial activity, forced in connection with the prevention of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, and numerous tough sanctions imposed on the country by unfriendly countries of the world in connection with the Special Military Operation. All these factors were prerequisites for the development of measures and their implementation to support small and medium-sized enterprises at both the state and regional levels. The establishment of the institution of business ombudsman in Russia is one of the measures aimed at ensuring the protection of business entities in all bodies of state administration and courts. The article considers the role and importance of the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights (business ombudsman), in particular at the regional level, his legal status in addressing issues related to bringing small and medium-sized businesses to administrative and criminal responsibility.


Small and medium-sized businesses, protection of entrepreneurs, business ombudsman, administrative measures, control and supervisory burden

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182322

IDR: 143182322   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.54.18.008

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