Who cultivated Russian North? Objection to the Norwegian author

Автор: Fedorov P.V.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Reviews and reports

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2012 года.

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Based on the critical analysis of the book Ingve Astrup ‛Norwegian timber merchants – are the pioneers of the Russian Belomorye in the years of 1880−1930’. In the article analyzes the modern trends of Norwegian historiography about the coverage of the issues of the Russian-Norwegian relations.

Russian-Norwegian relations, historiography, Norway, Russian North, Russian Belomorye, exploration, timber industry

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148320412

IDR: 148320412

Список литературы Who cultivated Russian North? Objection to the Norwegian author

  • Astrup I. Norwegian timber merchants - are the pioneers of the Russian White Sea in the years of 1880-1930 / Norwegian Forest Museum. Collection № 4. Per. with NOK. T. Lilleberg. Elverum, 2011. 62.
  • Mimrin G. Arkhangelsk Council in 1917-18. / / The Bolshevik idea. 1939. № 21-22.
  • Niemi E. Pomors trade by the eyes of Norwegians / / Ottar. 1992. № 192.
  • The first general census of the Russian Empire, 1897. I. Arkhangelsk Province. SPb. 1899. Tetr. 2.
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