The western mysticism in the search of its own way of knowledge of god: Meister Eckhart, Jean Gerson and Nicholas of Cusa

Автор: Karasev Nikolai Aleksandrovich

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: Философия

Статья в выпуске: 10, 2016 года.

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The article deals with the mystical search in the western medieval theology (XIII-XV centuries). By case study of prominent representatives of the European theology, who made their contribution to the history of the mystical understanding of the divine, the author analyses the ways of the mystical ideas development. The ideas of Eckhart, Cusa and Gerson are considered in relation to the principles of the Orthodox mystical theology and experience.

Mystic, mystical theology, superstition, heresy, jean gerson, nicholas of cusa, meister eckhart, german mysticism, areopagite, apophatic theology

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IDR: 14940739

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