The agricultural terminology of the Daur people as a source for the study of ethnogenesis

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The object of the article is to identify and to study comparative agricultural terms in Daur language as part of comprehensive study of the origin. The author identifies agricultural lexicon, combines it in several thematic groups; and then after comparative analysis of Daur agricultural terms and Mongolian, Tungus, Turkish and other languages terms the author reveals ancient language contacts of the Daur people. A study of agricultural terminology shows that Daur language had interactions with ancient and medieval peoples of Central and Eastern Asia. Some terms have no direct correspondence in other languages. The author suggests that these words refer to the language of ancient agricultural communities living at the crossroads of Mongolian and Tungus worlds.


Language, vocabulary, names, value, farming, crops, borrowing, daurs, solon, origin

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148182658

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