Genre of message in lyrics by A. A. Shishkov

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Aleksandr Ardalionovich Shishkov (1799-1832), sometimes referred to as Shishkov 2nd or Shishkov Jr. in the history of literature, was the nephew of A.S. Shishkov, Secretary of State, Minister of Education, President of the Russian Academy, and was brought up by him but in his literary tastes he escaped his influence and joined the young opponents of “The Conversations of the Russian Word Lovers”. The article reviews the little-known lyric messages of A.A.Shishkov, the poet of Pushkin’s epoch. The poet’s circle of contacts, the addressees of the messages are specified and their subject and poetics are sdudied. The addressees of A.A.Shishkov’s survived letters are primarily people of his literary and official circle. There are some messages sent to the unknown addressee - “a friend-comforter”, and there are messages-allusions - “To Metellus”, “To Emilio”. In any case, the reader recognizes a distinguished poet with his worldview, his own poetic style that fits into the philosophy and aesthetics of civil romanticism of the 20-es - 30-es of the 19th century.


Лирика 20-30 годов xix века, a.a.shishkov, lyrical poems of the 20-es - 30-es of the 19th century, genres, message

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