Contemporary symphony genre in etymology

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This Article is devoted to symphony invariant genre that was introduced by M.G.Aranovskiy in his «Symphonic searches» and to the necessity of its correction in application to contemporary symphonies. To find this semantic invariant means to find out the pure nature of symphony genre. It is possible when we take into consideration the metaphysic meaning of the word «symphony» - to sound together. This was explored by Moscow musicologist Tamara Scherbo in her work «The idea of «symphony», questions of Etymology, History, Aesthetics and Philosophy». In this work the main aspects of contemporary genre are revealed: 1) total ontologization; 2) the lack of traditional models in the concept of man; 3) the domination of phonic substance self-motion process that is being organized by the continuum (nonconscious) mind.


Symphony, genre, "symphonic searches", semantic invariant, tamara scherbo, etymology, intertextuality, m.g.aranovskiy, k.shtokhauzen, t.kjuregian, v.kholopova, v.tsenova, v.zaderatskiy, sonority (a state of being resonant), meditative value

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