Women’s violence against their spouse: peculiarities of manifestation and possibilities of prevention by internal affairs bodies

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The article deals with the problem of psycho-emotional and physical violence of women against their partners, outlines the key activities of internal Affairs agencies to reduce crime victime-STI men in the family. The object of the research is women’s violence against spouses and cohabitants. The study focused on the characteristics of violent behavior of women, the nature of the relationship between spouses that lead to aggression and preventive police work with families where men also suffer from violence from their wives.The study summa-rizes the empirical material on this issue: the results of a survey of men (659 people aged 18 to 69 years), the sen-tences in relation to women for causing harm to health or murder their spouses (cohabitants) (84 sentence); analy-sis of scientific literature, the prevention-setting work of the ATS in the Internet. The authors demonstrated how often men become the victim of AG-ressie from their partners, as they relate to this problem, why continue living together. Recognizing the paramount importance of psychological assistance to such men and their families as a whole, focuses on the need to implement a number of activities arising from the purpose of policing is to protect life and health of citizens. The integration of identified features of violence against women and implementation of proposed areas of work will enhance the awareness of the public, to reduce criminal victimization of the men in the family. The results of the study can also be interesting for the further development of household problems, in-cluding family violence.


Domestic violence, aggression, prevention, information work, work with victims of crime, police, women violence, men victims of emotional violence

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14989700

IDR: 14989700

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