Housing and settlement complex Selenga Buryats in the second half of the XIX - beginning of XX century

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The problem of studying the housing and settlement complex Selenga buryats not received sufficient lighting in the home ethnography. This work is devoted to identification of the main trends in the development of settlements and dwellings of the ethno-territorial group of buryats in the second half of the XIX - beginning of XX century. A source base of the research consists of archival, statistical and literary materials. It was found out, that in the period under review, there was an increase in the number of settlements, changed the ratio of different types of housing, there were innovations in traditional architecture (in particular, in a log cabin yurt), along with borrowing houses of the Russian-siberian type were created hybrid types of dwellings.


Western transbaikalia, selenga buryats, housing and settlement complex

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737779

IDR: 14737779

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