The value of physical education for students of higher educational institutions of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation

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Professional activities of the penal staff as a rule is carried out in extreme conditions, that is, in the presence of a real threat to life and health. The ability to overcome their own state of weakness both physical and psychological determines the further behavior of a person in an extreme situation, and therefore the success of the task. The difficulty of training the staff of the penal system to act in extreme conditions is also the inability to create a situation that is as real life-threatening as possible, in conditions of training with real injuries and death of employees in training sessions. Otherwise, it would be a violation of legal and moral norms. Therefore, the main emphasis in the training of employees to act in extreme conditions is on training techniques of psychophysical self-regulation and the development of self-reflection of employees. Physical culture helps to minimize the aforementioned risks and to train staff of the penal correction system on the solution of emergency problems.


Physical, psychological and functional training, physical form, the russian penal staff, penal institutions

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