The importance of physical education and exercising for the health and development of the body

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The importance of physical education and exercise for human health are considered in the article. The basic principles of physical education are highlighted in the text. The influence of regular physical education and sports on various body systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, nervous systems, as well as metabolism, is discussed. Special attention is paid to the impact of physical education on the body of children and adolescents during the period of active growth, as well as its benefits for the elderly and those who are subject to stress and mental stress. The positive effects of physical exercise on health are described, such as increasing endurance, improving joint mobility, elasticity of muscles and ligaments, relieving tension and stress, normalizing metabolism and reducing the risk of developing diseases.


Physical education, exercise, health, sports, health effects, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, metabolism, posture, coordination of movements

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IDR: 142241081

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